Don’t Just Take Our Word For It!

Toothbrushing – something that we all take (and hopefully do), for granted! 

However, it’s probably one of the activities that has the most excuses given to it… especially where the little ones are concerned.  We’ve heard them all at Brush-Baby! That’s why we researched with our most discerning of customers (and their parents) as to what they were looking for in a toothbrush.

Size, weight, grip, timers, inclusion of batteries, lights, colour, size of brush-head and texture of bristles, have all been carefully considered in the design of all our toothbrushes, whether manual or electric.

So we’re delighted when our products are impartially reviewed by our core audience! And even more so when they get fab reviews and accompanying top marks, as our FlossBrush and KidzSonic toothbrushes have just done, with the results published in the latest IndyBest reviews in The Independent.

The journalist’s three young children reviewed a selection of toothbrushes over a 6 week period, and gave their feedback to their mum, to write the review.

Now that’s what we call good desk …or should we say bathroom research!