BrushBaby Wishes You A Happy Chinese New Year!

Starting yesterday (Sunday 22nd January) and lasting 15 days until the full moon, Chinese New Year offers plenty of opportunity to celebrate! Heralding the arrival of Spring and the beginning of a new year on the lunisolar calendar, it’s considered to be the most important holiday in China and certainly in recent years, its popularity has spread all around the globe.

There are 12 signs in the Chinese zodiac and each sign is named after an animal, with each one having its own unique characteristics.

2023 is the year of the rabbit and signifies peaceful and patient energy. We have a whole range of animal kids electric toothbrushes for your child to enjoy!

Brush-Baby is certainly familiar with the rabbit, as we have Bobbie Bunny on our 0-3 years Applemint Kids Toothpaste.  Teaching and learning toothbrush is certainly a skill that needs energy and patience for both parent and child!   

We know that Bobbie Bunny best baby toothpaste with its yummy Applemint flavour, smooth gel consistency (no ‘gritty’ bits!), and no-foaming formulation, certainly helps children and parents alike when perfecting their bathroom toothbrushing technique.

As one mum said in her review “my daughter always struggled with minty infant toothpastes and I’m reluctant to ‘give into’ really sweet flavours – so this Applemint flavour is a perfect compromise!”

And our FlossBrush bristles toothbrush is the ideal way to floss and brush teeth in the same toothbrushing session, and yes even little ones should floss! It’s nothing to do with age, essentially as soon as two teeth are touching, provides the opportunity for milky deposits, food debris and subsequent prospects for plaque to form. The patented deep clean bristles on the tiny brush-head of the FlossBrush baby toothbrushes are ideal for shifting anything that shouldn’t be there!

Happy mum, happy child, happy bunny!